The trategy
State goals
Quality of life
Life Expectancy
Intensify in 100% the production of Brazilian nut (castanha) by 2030
Increase by 100% the production of azai through 2030
Timber management
Establish 180,000 hectares of community-based timber management
Establish 180,000 hectares of low-impact industrial forest logging by 2030
Livestock and fishing
Increase cattle density to reach 2.4 UA/hectare (3.4 heads/ha)
Support the pisciculture productive chain to increase production
Integrated goals
Reach 10,000 beneficiaries with the REM programme
Reduce deforestation by 80% by 2020 in relation to the period 1996-2005
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from avoided deforestation by 80% in relation to the period 1996-2005
Conservation Units
Establish management plans in 100% of the State Conservation Units by 2020
Reach zero illegal deforestation in State Conservation Units by 2020
Increase the area of Conservation Units by 155,120 hectares by 2018
Restore degraded areas of rural properties registered in the Rural Environmental Registry by 2030
Restore 10,000 hectares of permanent preservation areas (APP) in the Acre River Basin by 2030
Reduce illegal deforestation by 2020
Reduce deforestation by 80%
Reduce GHG emissions by 80%
Cero deforestation in State Conservation Units
100% of State Conservation Units with management plans
Reduce illegal deforestation by 2020
Increase castanha production by 100%
Reach 10,000 beneficiaries of the REM program by 2017
Increase cattle density
Increase azai production in 100%
Reduce poverty rate
Mortality rate below 21 deaths per 1,000 live births
Jurisdictional profiles
This section provides access to key environmental, economic and social of Acre state and its municipalities.