Sustainable Business Portfolio
Women of Acre

Jurisdictional Profile

The State of Acre is one of the states of the Brazilian Amazon, located in the north of the country, with an extension of 164,000 km2 and a population of more than 800,000 people. It borders two federative units: Amazonas to the north and Rondônia to the east; and is bordered by two countries: Bolivia to the southeast and Peru to the south and west. Its territory still conserves 83% of forest cover protecting its high biological diversity. Acre has a history of struggles with the advancement of cattle ranching by rubber tappers and forest people.
These sections provide a dynamic spatial view and a complete set of key indicators. Use the interactive map to see trends and evaluate Acre in comparison to other jurisdictions in Brazil in terms of forest conservation, agricultural production and livestock.
The System of Incentives for Environmental Services (SISA) is the result of a government policy that believes in the value of standing forests. Created by State Law 2.308/2010, it brings together a set of strategies and instruments that benefit those who produce with sustainability and conserve the environment.
The productive economic businesses in Acre are implementing policies to consolidate a diversified environmental economic base, demonstrating that it is possible to grow while securing a better environment, climate and preserving social capital. Find in this section opportunities of investment in Acre's activities such as agriculture, agro-industry and forestry.
Acre is a pioneer in the formulation of regulatory, institutional and public policy frameworks for low-emission rural development. The policies adopted by the State since 1999 were aimed at consolidating sustainable development by promoting a forest-based economy, reducing deforestation and social inclusion. In the 2000s these policies evolved to foster a low-carbon economy.
The platform is an instrument that reports the state's achievement of targets defined in agreements such as Paris, Under2 MOU, INDC, and the PPCD Amazon Plan. The platform is part of the state's strategy to advance forest conservation coupled with better livelihoods and a better state economy based on the promotion of its sustainable business.