Deforestation and agricultural value
% of tropical forest as part of the country
Annual deforestation area
The plot illustrates the yearly deforestation area measured over the last years in the state. Activate the line series to visualize the accumulated deforestation in the state.
Annual deforestation rate
(%)The plot illustrates deforestation percentage rates in the state over the last years. To compute this indicator the yearly deforestation observed in the state is divided (normalized) by the remaining forest.
Deforestation Reference level (FREL)
A national forest reference emission level and/or forest reference level is one of the elements formulated by developing country Parties implementing REDD+ activities and serve also as benchmarks for assessing each country’s performance in implementing REDD+ activities.
Carbons pools included in the FREL
Aboveground biomass
Forest degradation
Peat decomposition
Belowground biomass
Avoided deforestation
The plot shows the avoided deforestation area (hectares). This is calculated as the forest area that would have been cleared if deforestation trends of a reference period (baseline) had continued.
CO2 emissions from deforestation
The plot shows the estimated emissions of CO2 (million tons) associated with clearing of forest in the state.
Avoided CO2 emissions
The plot shows the avoided CO2 emissions (million tons) according to the forest carbon pools included in the FREL. This is calculated as the emissions that would have been released if deforestation trends of a reference period (FREL baseline) had continued.
Landcover area
The plot shows the estimated area of landcover categories in the territory. Click on the classes for more details
Main agricultural products
Value of economic activities and per capita income
Main agricultural products
Production (tons) of major crops in the state
The plot shows the yearly production (tons) of major permanent and temporary crops in the state.
Crop area (hectares) of major crops in the state
The plot illustrates the yearly planted area (hectares) of major permanent and temporary crops in the state.
Total population and the proportion of urban and rural people living in the state
Human development index
Human Development Index of the state and the components of well being defined by it, namely: life expectancy, years of average education and GDP per capita.
Mortality rate
The plot illustrates the Mortality rate
The plot illustrates the gini coefficient, it measures income inequality. Values close to 0 indicate greater equality of income while values close to 1 greater inequality
Labor slavery
Activity People involved Freed slaves Year
Indigenous territories
Indigenous area Ethnic group Area (km2) % inside the state
Protected conservation areas
Protected area Area (km2) % in the state
Interactive map
Produce Protect PlatformAccess the spatial platform of the GCFimpact to facilitate the monitoring of jurisdictions that are on their path to agricultural rural development.
This map allows you to evaluate indicators on forest, agricultural production, and social indicators in each of the provinces and districts of the country over the last years.
Use the available layers or define specific search criteria to identify places performing according to your definition. Click on a district or municipality to see the production and forestry indicators on the right panel.
Go to the interactive map
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